Global trademark info listed at new website
Dubbed TM5, or Trademark 5, a new website recently launched that shares with the public trademark and patent information from five of the biggest markets in the world. The Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) led the launch of the website, as part of its joint cooperation measures.
TM5 is a cooperative structure involving five major economies — Europe, the U.S., Japan, China and Korea — which together account for nearly 70 percent of all patent and trademark applications worldwide. In 2001, it initially began as TM3, involving only Europe, the U.S. and Japan, but became TM5 when Korea and China began participating in the project in 2011 and 2012, respectively. TM5 currently runs a total of 10 joint cooperation projects, covering common status descriptors, user-friendly access to trademark information, image search and comparative analysis of examination results, among other things.

A captured image of the TM5 homepage.

The TM5 website introduces many of the joint cooperation projects going on among its members.
Visitors can glean a wide range of information about trademarks, such as related laws, examination standards and lists of patent trademarks from the five TM5 member economies. They can also get related statistical data, learn about promotional events being held at trademark related organizations and even visit national trademark bodies by clicking through the attached menu links.
The KIPO plans to further develop a two-way communication system on the website so that applicants can make enquiries or proposals directly to trademark related bodies of TM5 member countries. A KIPO official said, “Through the TM5 website, we will promote communication and cooperation among the five markets. We will also make the website a communication forum for patent applicants worldwide.”
To visit the website, click
By Yoon Sojung Staff Writer